Monday, 11 January 2016

The nature and purposes of secondary research

A periodical is a magazine or newspaper that is published at regular intervals. This is significant to short film production because in the niche market there could be a magazine published regularly such as Empire magazine which keeps the audience updated with new films, new technology contacts to actors or crew.

A newspaper a printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, articles, advertisements, and correspondence. This is important to short film productions because newspapers can allow you to advertise your film in the newspaper.

A film archive is a collection of films. For a comprehensive look at the history of film preservation and the institutions and organizations that developed various practices, see Penelope Houston's Keepers of the Frame. This is significant to short film production because it can give the directors and writers ideas for films which are similar to the films already made.

A photo library is an archive or collection of photos. This is important to short film production because it will allow the location designer to get ideas for the sets needed for the film they're making. 

The worldwide web is an open source information space where documents and other web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet. It has become known simply as the Web. This is significant to secondary research for short films because it allows people to look for information anywhere at anytime. 

A CD-Rom database

Audio material is audio tracks that can be reproduced (playback), mechanically and electronically or even both. Audio material is vital for the post production side of things when it comes to making a short film because you will need audio tracks to bring feeling to the scenes and to make the audience feel something for the characters. 

Ratings are important to potential consumers because if a film or television show has good ratings it will grab attention of other consumers which will bring in more revenue for the film or television show. 

Circulation figures is important because it is how many copies are made so newspapers will make a certain amount each day for their consumers. This is important to a short film production because it could be used as a form of advertisement because 50-60% of newspapers are filled with advertisements so it could be beneficial to advertise the short film in popular newspapers. 

Government statistics are published by government agencies or other public bodies, this is all accurate data and could be beneficial for a short film production because then they can gather accurate data from the government. 

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