Friday, 15 January 2016

Data Gathering Agencies

A data gathering agency is an agency that captures and records consumption of footage and an example of a data gathering agency is barb.

By the statistics that Barb has produced for the views of TV between the 28th of December to the 3rd of January you can see that BBC 1 is the most popular TV channel then behind it is BBC 2, ITV and Channel 4. 

The statistics for BBC 1 is significantly higher because of the week between the 28th and the 3rd because of the New Years Day fireworks which had over 11 thousand views. Also during these dates people are off work so they are at home and might want to go onto a channel where there are no breaks involved.

Short films have to be more creative with to see who views their film. If the short film is posted on YouTube they can check how many people view it by the number of views they have. 

The purpose of these data gathering agencies to give people an idea on how many people watch tv on certain days. This is very important to my research on short films because agencies such as BARB could tell me how many times my short film was viewed on that particular day and when it was aired, which is a clear indication on how much my film got viewed. 

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