Monday, 14 March 2016

Questions and answers to the questionnaire and analysis

Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Person 4
Person 5
Person 6
Person 7
Person 8
Person 9
Person 10
Question 1: Do you live in Banstead or near it?
Question 2: Are you between the ages 13-19?
Question 3: Are you male or female?
Question 4: Which local attractions would you go to?
Café Italia
Café Italia
The Woolpack
The Woolpack
Café Italia
Café Italia
The Woolpack
The Woolpack
The Woolpack
The Lavender Fields
Question 5: What would you rate Banstead out of 5? (5 being the highest 1 being the lowest)
Question 6: Do you travel outside of Banstead to enjoy socialising time?
Question 7: How often do you travel outside of Banstead for social activity?
Question 8: How much do you think it would cost a family to go to the cinema in Kingston?
Question 9: Have the lack of activities got you involved with criminal activities?

I produced a questionnaire to give out to teenagers living in Banstead for research for my documentary.

90% of the people from my survey live in Banstead and 100% of them are all teenagers which can really help my research for my documentary because it gives a clear insight on what teenagers like to do in Banstead. 60% of the people asked are males and the other 40% are female.

The majority of people chose The Woolpack as a local attraction they would go to in Banstead as it would attract them there the most. This is very important to my research about teenagers in Banstead because it gives me a clear indication of where older teenagers would go on their nights out. Café Italia was another popular choice because café Italia is a café during the day and in the evenings it is a night club which could attract the younger people for a good night out which again is very significant to my research because it shows what type of attraction would attract the teenagers.
My results show that there isn’t a lot of activities to do in Banstead because there was a range of results for question 5, four people said 3 out of 5, 3 people said 2 out of 5 and 1 out of 5 which shows a range of results and shows that Banstead does not have a lot of attractions for the younger years.

Overall the answers to this questionnaire are really useful about my research about teenagers in Banstead because it gives a clear indication that Banstead has its fair share of attractions but isn’t really for the younger teenagers as it is more for the 18 to 19 year olds.

Primary Research - Quantitative Research

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Production Research

Resources and Costs

e.g. personnel, talent, finance, suppliers, facilities, locations, logistic support.


Bluefin TV offer a range of two man crews from a range of £900 to £1300, but with these two man crews they come with their own camera equipment which would also save money on the budget. This would be significant to my documentary because it isn't a big budget documentary and two camera men would be perfect for the job and because they include their own high quality cameras it saves money. 


I have found a professional voice over actor and charges £10 per hour, but as this is a very low budget which makes it a challenge to find someone within the budget given. I would implement this to my documentary because I would like a voice over actor and show images of the place the actor is talking about which could make this documentary feel more professional.,343482,343483&quantity=10 


Locations - Go on Google maps and research areas we would use for my documentary and discuss why.

"Logistical film production"


The product I am producing is financially viable because all the equipment we need is loaned to us by the school so we are having not to spend any money on equipment.

I have the necessary skills to undertake the production because I know from my research what my target audience wants from this documentary.

The only help and support I will need for this project is a crew to help me to capture what Banstead is really like from a teenagers perspective.

I would have enough time to produce the product because I would have 2-3 weeks to film the product. 

Monday, 7 March 2016

Secondary Research- Qualitative Research (Trip Advisor)

I went onto trip advisor to see what attractions there are in Banstead, but it came up with 3 attractions they are:

  • The lavender fields
  • The Woolpack
  • Cafe Italia
The lavender fields isn't somewhere teenagers would go for a local attraction as there is not a lot of things you can do there so for my documentary it wouldn't be very useful and would just make the attraction boring and not relevant. The Woolpack and Cafe Italia could possibly relate to the older teenagers such as 18 year olds as the Woolpack is a pub and involves alcohol which would attract the teenagers but Cafe Italia is a cafe during the day time and turns into a club at night which could again attract the 18 year old's for a great night out, these two attractions would be beneficial to my documentary because from the reviews they seem positive about the attractions which could attract more people to go to these locations for a good night out. 

Secondary Research - Quantitative Research

Secondary Research – Quantitative Research
In this essay I am going to evaluate the quantitative research I have undertaken on website hits, readership circulation, ticket prices and radio circulation of teenagers living in Banstead.
My first subject is about the demographic profile of the area of Banstead. As seen from the image below we can see that the Epsom Guardian is the local newspaper for Banstead and also they circulate 2463 copies. The total population is also 15+ which is very significant to my research because it shows a clear indication of how many teenagers are living in Banstead and also how many of the newspapers gets circulated into the area.

Another key factor about teenagers in Banstead is about the ticket prices in Kingston which is local to Banstead. This is very important because the image below was taken from a national newspaper The Daily Mail. It says tickets has risen 26% and that prices in London and the south ticket prices are more than £13. This is significant because the average ticket price is £6.53 and it is signficantly more to view them in the local area of Banstead. This is very important to my research about teenagers in Banstead because how are teenagers meant to afford these such high ticket prices when their local cinema is Kingston and the ticket price is more than £13 and a family of four set back over £50, that’s including popcorn and travel.
Preston Ward suggests that a minibus service should be introduced to take people to the cinema to experience the new facilities, but this would not be accomplished because there is 23% of children under the age of 16 living in poverty and will not be able to afford the prices of their local cinema which is based in Kingston because their adult ticket is £12 which is the highest in the country.

Here is an extract from the news article about the soaring ticket prices in Kingston cinema,

The latest figures from the Cinema Exhibitors’ Association put the average cinema ticket in the UK at £6.53, however families in London and the south face much higher prices.
The average ticket price has increased by more than 26 per cent since 2007 at the same time as incomes in working households have fallen by 6.4 per cent.
Researchers at the accountants Deloitte found even families with a household income of more than £55,000 are rationing their trips to the cinema.
In a year in which British films and talent were recognised at many award ceremonies, 27 out of 73 constituencies in London had no cinema. This finding has led to suggestions that poorer people are less well served by the cinema industry.”
This article is very important because it says a household income of more than £55,000 are rationing their trips to the cinema because they prices are too high which is significant to my research about teenagers living in Banstead.

This image at the bottom is explaining about teenagers in Banstead and Reigate who are carers and who suffer problems at home. 14% of Reigate and Banstead suffer with housing problems which is fairly high and is significant to my documentary on teenagers in Banstead. Having problems at home can create a lot of stress for teenagers from having that at home so it would be interesting to document it as it is affecting it. I would include this in my documentary because household problems create a massive impact on teenagers and can cause a lot of stress. Another important statistic from this research is 26% for domestic abuse and 26% of a teenagers are carers for a parent with a mental health problem. Domestic abuse can really affect a teenager who witnesses this form of abuse and can cause emotional problems for them. Finally teenagers who are carers for a parent with a mental health issue. This is very significant because this can stop teenagers who are meant to be in school not going because they are having to look after their parent or guardian because of their mental health issue. This would be very interesting in my documentary because it will give an insight into how some people are living in Banstead and Reigate.

Below is a Facebook page about Banstead and the local events that are happening. I feel that this is very important research because it shows what events are happening in Banstead and what teenagers can interact with.